Case Study

Driving Data-Driven HR Decisions: How Mergen IT Empowered a Financial Institution with Workday Analytics and Reporting


Banking and Finance

Length of cooperation

7 Months

Project Team

6 Members


Workday Analytics and Reporting

Problem Statement

The financial institution's HR team relied on manual processes and outdated systems to generate reports and analyze workforce data. This approach hindered their ability to identify trends, predict future talent needs, and make informed HR decisions. They needed a robust analytics platform to optimize their talent strategy.


Mergen IT collaborated with the financial institution's HR team to implement Workday Analytics and Reporting, tailoring the solution to their specific needs. The platform provided real-time, interactive dashboards that displayed key HR metrics and allowed HR leaders to customize reports based on their requirements. Predictive analytics tools enabled them to forecast talent needs and identify potential areas of improvement.


The implementation of Workday Analytics and Reporting brought transformative results for the financial institution. HR leaders gained actionable insights into workforce performance, engagement, and talent gaps. Data-driven decisions led to improved employee retention, increased productivity, and optimized talent allocation.

The financial institution's HR team saved time and resources on manual reporting processes, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives to enhance employee satisfaction and career development. The insights from the platform also facilitated better workforce planning, aligning HR strategies with the institution's business objectives.


Mergen IT's expertise in implementing Workday Analytics and Reporting empowered the financial institution to unlock the power of workforce data. With improved HR decision-making, streamlined reporting processes, and optimized talent strategies, the financial institution achieved a competitive advantage in the dynamic financial services landscape.

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