Case Study

Driving Performance Excellence: Mergen IT Transforms Workday Adaptive Planning for a Global Retail Powerhouse



Length of cooperation

9 Months

Project Team

6 Members


Workday Adaptive Planning

Problem Statement

The global retail powerhouse faced challenges with their traditional financial planning and budgeting processes. Manual spreadsheet-based approaches, disconnected data, and a lack of collaboration hindered their ability to make informed financial decisions and achieve operational excellence. They needed a comprehensive solution to streamline financial planning, improve data accuracy, and foster collaboration across teams.


Mergen IT implemented Workday Adaptive Planning, a powerful cloud-based solution, to address the retail powerhouse's financial planning challenges. They collaborated closely with the company to configure and customize Workday Adaptive Planning to their specific requirements, ensuring seamless integration with their existing financial systems. Mergen IT leveraged Workday Adaptive Planning's advanced capabilities, such as real-time dashboards, automated data consolidation, and collaboration features, to optimize the retail powerhouse's financial planning processes.


Real-time dashboards and automated data consolidation provided visibility into financial performance, enabling data-driven decision-making at all levels of the organization. The retail powerhouse experienced increased agility, improved forecasting accuracy, and enhanced operational performance. Thanks to Workday Adaptive Planning, they could proactively adapt to market trends, optimize resource allocation, and drive profitability in an ever-evolving retail landscape.


With Mergen IT's support, the global retail powerhouse achieved remarkable results. The implementation of Workday Adaptive Planning transformed their financial planning landscape, resulting in streamlined processes, improved data accuracy, and enhanced collaboration among teams.

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