Case Study

Empowering Educational Excellence: How Workday Analytics and Reporting Transformed a University's HR Strategies with Mergen IT's Expertise


Higher Education

Length of cooperation

8 Months

Project Team

7 Members


Workday Analytics and Reporting

Problem Statement

The university's HR department struggled with disparate data sources and manual reporting processes, leading to inefficiencies in identifying faculty development needs and gauging student satisfaction. They needed a modern analytics platform to make data-driven HR decisions and align HR strategies with the university's academic goals.


Mergen IT collaborated closely with the university's HR team to implement Workday Analytics and Reporting, integrating data from various academic and administrative systems. The platform provided comprehensive analytics on faculty performance, student engagement, and employee feedback. Customizable reports enabled HR leaders to track key indicators and develop targeted talent development initiatives.


The implementation of Workday Analytics and Reporting yielded transformative results for the university. HR leaders gained valuable insights into faculty performance and student engagement, enabling them to tailor professional development programs to enhance teaching effectiveness. Student feedback analysis led to improvements in student support services and overall satisfaction.

The university's HR team experienced improved efficiency in reporting processes, saving time and resources for strategic HR initiatives. By aligning HR strategies with academic goals, the university witnessed enhanced faculty motivation and an enriched learning environment.


Mergen IT's expertise in implementing Workday Analytics and Reporting empowered the university to achieve educational excellence. With data-driven HR decisions, targeted faculty development, and improved student experiences, the university elevated its reputation as a center of academic excellence and innovation.

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