Case Study

Fuelling Efficiency: Enhancing Operational Excellence in Gas and Oil Operations with ServiceNow Consultancy


Gas and Oil Industry

Length of cooperation

8 Months

Project Team

7 Members


ServiceNow Consulting, Asset Management, Customized Dashboards and Analytics

Problem Statement

A leading gas and oil company faced challenges in managing complex operations across multiple sites, leading to operational inefficiencies, increased downtime, and elevated maintenance costs. The company's legacy systems and manual processes hindered collaboration among teams and impeded data-driven decision-making. This resulted in suboptimal asset utilization, higher safety risks, and financial losses. The gas and oil company sought a transformative solution to streamline operations, enhance asset performance, and improve overall operational efficiency. 


Mergen IT collaborated with the gas and oil company to provide comprehensive ServiceNow Consultancy services to optimize their operational processes. 

Implementation Highlights: 

  • Asset Management Transformation: Mergen IT conducted a thorough assessment of the company's assets and implemented a customized ServiceNow solution for asset management. This included maintenance scheduling, predictive maintenance analytics, and asset performance tracking. 
  • Operational Collaboration Platform: Mergen IT developed an integrated collaboration platform within ServiceNow, enabling seamless communication and data-sharing among teams across different sites. 
  • Customized Dashboards and Analytics: Mergen IT deployed custom dashboards and analytics modules to provide real-time insights into operations, empowering data-driven decision-making. 


The gas and oil company realized substantial improvements in operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness: 

  • Enhanced Asset Performance: With ServiceNow Consultancy, the company achieved a 30% increase in asset utilization and a 25% reduction in unplanned downtime, optimizing operational efficiency. 
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: The implementation of predictive maintenance analytics resulted in a 20% decrease in maintenance costs, extending the lifespan of critical equipment. 
  • Improved Safety Compliance: Mergen IT's solution ensured better adherence to safety protocols, leading to a 40% decrease in safety incidents and a safer work environment. 


Mergen IT's ServiceNow Consultancy services enabled the gas and oil company to achieve operational  excellence, enhance asset performance, and reduce maintenance costs. The transformation of asset management processes and the integration of collaboration platforms significantly improved operational efficiency and safety compliance, leading to a more sustainable and productive gas and oil operation. 

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