Case Study

Streamlining Financial Workflows for Enhanced Efficiency and Compliance Using Specialized ServiceNow Consulting Services from Mergen


Banking and Finance Industry

Length of cooperation

6 Months

Project Team

8 Members


ServiceNow Workflow Automation suite

Problem Statement

A prominent financial services company faced significant challenges in managing its complex workflows, resulting in operational inefficiencies and compliance risks. The company struggled with siloed processes, manual interventions, and lack of automation, leading to delays in service delivery and increased operational costs. They sought a solution to streamline workflows, improve employee productivity, and ensure regulatory compliance.


Mergen IT, leveraging its specialized ServiceNow Consulting services, introduced the ServiceNow Workflow Automation suite to the financial services company. They assessed the company's existing workflows, identified pain points, and designed tailored digital workflows to automate and optimize critical processes. The suite included App Engine and Automation Engine, enabling low-code application development and seamless integration with existing systems.

The ServiceNow Implementation team collaborated with the company's stakeholders to build custom applications, such as Loan Processing, Risk Assessment, and Customer Onboarding, using the low-code platform. These applications automated approval processes, integrated data from various sources, and empowered employees with self-service capabilities.


  • Enhanced Workflow Efficiency: With ServiceNow Workflow Automation, the financial services company experienced streamlined processes, reducing turnaround times for loan processing and customer onboarding. This resulted in increased operational efficiency and improved customer satisfaction.
  • Regulatory Compliance: By automating compliance checks and documentation, the company achieved better adherence to regulatory requirements. The solution provided real-time visibility into compliance status, reducing the risk of penalties and fines.
  • Improved Employee Productivity: The implementation of self-service workflows empowered employees to handle routine tasks independently, freeing up valuable time for more strategic initiatives. This resulted in a boost in employee productivity and engagement.
  • Cost Savings: By eliminating manual interventions and redundant processes, the financial services company achieved cost savings in operational expenses. The optimized workflows reduced the need for additional staff, positively impacting the company's bottom line.


Mergen IT's dedicated ServiceNow Consulting services successfully transformed the financial services company's operations by streamlining workflows, improving efficiency, and ensuring compliance. The customized automation solutions empowered employees, reduced turnaround times, and resulted in substantial cost savings. With a seamless and low-code implementation, the company now operates with enhanced agility and competitiveness in the financial services market.

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