Case Study

Streamlining Procurement Processes: Mergen IT Transforms Workday Spend Management for a Global Healthcare Provider



Length of cooperation

12 Months

Project Team

14 Members


Workday Spend Management

Problem Statement

The healthcare provider faced challenges with their procurement processes. Manual and disparate procurement systems, limited visibility into spend data, and inefficiencies in supplier management hindered their ability to optimize costs and ensure timely availability of critical supplies and services. They needed a comprehensive solution to streamline procurement, gain real-time insights into spend data, and improve supplier collaboration.


Mergen IT implemented Workday Spend Management, a powerful cloud-based solution, to address the healthcare provider's procurement challenges. They collaborated closely with the company to configure and customize Workday Spend Management to their specific requirements, ensuring seamless integration with their existing systems. Mergen IT helped automate procurement workflows, implement spend analytics, and enhance supplier collaboration through the platform.


Real-time analytics and reporting capabilities empowered the company to make data-driven procurement decisions promptly. They experienced significant cost savings through optimized supplier negotiations, improved procurement cycle times, and reduced maverick spend. With Workday Spend Management, the healthcare provider achieved procurement efficiency, cost savings, and improved supply chain performance, enabling them to deliver quality healthcare services effectively in a rapidly evolving industry.


Thanks to Mergen IT's expertise, the healthcare provider achieved remarkable outcomes. The implementation of Workday Spend Management transformed their procurement processes, resulting in streamlined workflows, improved spend visibility, and enhanced supplier collaboration.

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