Case Study

Unlocking Organizational Potential: Mergen IT Transforms Workday Peakon Employee Voice for a Global Healthcare Provider



Length of cooperation

9 Months

Project Team

13 Members


Workday Peakon Employee Voice

Problem Statement

The healthcare provider faced challenges with employee engagement and its impact on patient care. With a large and diverse workforce across various departments and facilities, understanding and improving employee satisfaction became critical to enhancing patient experiences and overall organizational performance. They needed a comprehensive solution to measure employee engagement, identify areas for improvement, and implement targeted initiatives to enhance employee satisfaction and ultimately improve patient care.


Mergen IT implemented Workday Peakon Employee Voice, a powerful employee engagement platform, to address the healthcare provider's challenges. They collaborated closely with the company to configure and customize Workday Peakon to their unique requirements, ensuring seamless integration with their existing HR systems. Mergen IT worked with the healthcare provider to design tailored engagement surveys, collect feedback, and leverage advanced analytics to gain valuable insights into employee sentiment.


The tailored engagement surveys and advanced analytics provided valuable insights into employee sentiment, allowing the healthcare provider to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted initiatives to enhance employee satisfaction. As a result, employee engagement scores increased, leading to improved patient experiences, higher patient satisfaction, and overall better organizational performance. The healthcare provider experienced increased efficiency, reduced turnover rates, and a positive impact on patient care, cementing their position as a leading provider in the highly competitive healthcare industry.


Thanks to Mergen IT's expertise, the global healthcare provider achieved remarkable outcomes. The implementation of Workday Peakon Employee Voice enabled the company to measure and improve employee engagement effectively.

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